Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Putrajaya Night Marathon 2017 | Putrajaya | 21 KM HM

Event: Putrajaya Night Marathon 2017
Date: Saturday, 4 November 2017
Flag off: 
Marathon - 8.00 PM  |  Half Marathon - 8.20 PM  |  10KM - 8.40 PM  |  5KM - 9.00 PM

Venue: Dataran Putrajaya, Precint 3, Putrajaya
KM Category: 21KM Half Marathon


The story;

Dear runners,
My name is Nithi, Director of Twenty First Century Sport (TFCS) and Race Director of Putrajaya Night Marathon (PNM). Twenty First Century Sports (TFCS) has been around for 17 years organizing races in Malaysia and we have done over 250 races (big and small).
I would like to share the story behind the birth of Putrajaya Night Marathon (PNM).
It was conceived by ex-business partner (The Orangeman) and me in 2009. We were asking ourselves how to inject excitement into a Full marathon race. In 2009, night running was not popular yet. So we sourced for a venue that was lighted up at least 95% of the route. Only PUTRAJAYA passed our quest for lighting. We also decided that since its at night why don’t we throw some lighting effects at the venue. Also we decided that certain parts of the route needs to have some form of activity or entertainment because it can get boring or lonely if you are not in a pack.
Once we settled our technical demands we looked for a partner that can support the marketing/branding side of the race. we joined forces with World Action Sports (WAS). The Director of WAS had his intention and passion in the right place. So we launched the registration and managed to get 8,000 runners (our intended numbers).
The following year we managed to secure a title sponsor whom gave a healthy capital injection for the race. After 5 great years the title decided to move on to other sponsorship. Last year Twenty First Century Sports (TFCS) decided to finance the race on our own. Nonetheless we were happy as our followers managed to get their favourite night run.
This year, with the bad economic climate, TFCS has decided once again to finance the race. Why? The answer is because we don’t want to let our runners down.

So runners, TFCS is back with Putrajaya Night Marathon 2017. Enjoy your race!

Basically, PNM Event was an annual event and have its own fans trying to make new record  for their PR. This is my 1st year joining and I did register for my very 1st HM

PNM 2017 Official Poster. "Quit at Never" such a strong phrase

IMHO, overall the event was a success and a-must-repeat event for coming year.

All categories map route.

Finisher medals design

For this year, I joined the HM(21.1 KM)

HM Route map

My Strava data for the run

And, the official results are as follows:

Bib No: F3960
Post: 197/1535 (Men Open 15KM Category)
Distance: 21+ KM
Duration: 2h 14m 9s
Pace: 6:29 min/KM

Official result

and my eCert.. Check out "SEE YOU IN 2018" ☝πŸ‘

Splits excerpts from Strava App. Pace is meehh... the map route cover some long hilly(ALASAN.. 😝). Actually I didnt train enough for this HM. As result, my last 5KM was really tough as my body was in terribly fatigue condition I had to change my plan to walk-run-walk-run until finish. 
Anyway, I still like the results 😍😎.

Some of the pixs at the venue:

With Am from workplace buddy who ran 10KM @ finish 

Just finish. Got the medal, finisher Ts and some refreshment

Demn tiredπŸ’

My lovely daughter Nuha & Nea with the medal (L-R)

Mommy, Nada and Opah (not in pix)waiting at resting area while Adek Fareeha is taking this pix

Pixs at the 21KM Gathering area

congrats to me!!
Well done πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

#Road to FM

Monday, October 30, 2017

Sunway The Good Run 2017 | Sunway City | 15 KM

Event: Sunway The Good Run 2017
Date: 29/10/2017
Flag off: 6.45AM
Venue: Sunway Medical Centre
KM: 5KM Fun Run & 15KM Competative


Sunway is committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), and continue to deliver enduring growth to meet the needs of our communities in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

We are proud to present this run for sustainable living and health. The early bird rates are only RM38 and RM28 for 15km and 5km respectively. On top of this, the runners who have signed up for 15km will get to run on the BRT tracks. Catch a spectacular view of Petaling Jaya on this elevated BRT Sunway Line tracks!

This run supports SDG # 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing, SDG#9 (on Innovation of sustainable items), SDG#11 (Sustainable Cities and Community) and SDG#12 (Responsible Consumption and Production)
http://www.undp.org/content/undp/en/home/sustainable-development-goals.html. Sunway city’s sustainable development under the Bus Rapid Transport (BRT) Sunway LIne where the electric buses by Rapid KL ply (SDG#11).

More essentially, all proceeds from The Good Run (every single sen) will be channeled to cancer support groups, the NGO serving the needs of cancer patients. This is part of our effort to give sustainable health a physical meaning. (SDG#3) http://www.cancerlinkfoundation.org/

This run will promote sustainable practices to meet SDG #12. We are going to try a run where you can opt to run your free collapsible cups (that comes with the registration entitlement). Use the cups to get your hydration at the water stops. You are also encouraged to bring your own soft flask. Your dri fit tee will be made from Recycled Polyester (RPET) for a more eco-apparel (SDG #11) and during the race kit collection, join in for some activities to learn about sustainable living practices and how to start them.

Join us for this charity run. Join us to donate to the cancer support groups. Join us to learn sustainable living a lifestyle promoted by Sunway!

STGR Poster

I recall this event is the most cheapest than most this year.

Race course

My personal data for 15KM

The Results are as below:

Bib No: A0055
Post: 104/712 (Men Open 15KM Category)
Distance: 14+ KM
Duration: 1:29:11
Pace: 5:59/KM

15KM Personal Official Result

15KM Route as recorded by STRAVA

My Split

Route Elevation

Morning just bfr the 15KM Flag off.
STGR got so many -ve comment from the runners regarding the flag off timing. It was put on hold just because the VVIP was late to attend to the FO. It was delayed by 15mins

@ BRT Sunway Line tracks. It was a long way (more than10KM) return-back. But it was fun πŸ‘

More pixs on the BRT track.

The distance info board was inaccurate starting from the 6th km onwards. Running apps already showing 9+km but the board only 8km. 

5KM Flag off, and I was on top of them lol

Me with the finisher medal Front & Back.

Bad medal collection arrangement. Totally no idea where to collect the medal. I have to ask the water crew guys; so we have to cross the road back to the stage area (Sunway Geo) instead of collect the medal at the finish line. No Info or direction on display as I recall back. Not to mention, how "Pasar Malam" at the collection area for refreshment collection etc. Some q some not and no crew assist on the long Q

My Lovely daughters finish their 5KM Fun Run πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“

Us πŸ’“πŸ’“πŸ’“. We are family

Nea and Nuha @ info board
My lil sis Fareeza Farihah was missing from pixs as not much pixs were taken. But congrats to my lil sis and my wife anyway
Well done πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
#Road to HM

Friday, October 13, 2017

IIUM Trail Run 2017 | International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak | 10 KM

Event: IIUM Trail Run 2017
Date: 7/10/2017
Flag off: 7AM
Venue: International Islamic University Malaysia, Gombak, Selangor
KM: 6 & 10KM


IIUM Trail Run is proudly brought to by Sports Secretariat of Economics and Management Sciences Society (EMSS) IIUM.

After the success of the first edition last year, they have decided to bring it back in 2017. One of the objectives is to expose trail running to the community and encourage them to seek new adventures outdoor and be part of this exciting and thrilling experience.

There are 2 open categories which is 6KM; fun run category that lets participants enjoy the scenery and nature around IIUM. It is recommended for those who are new to trail running and also people who are in it for excitement.
And 10KM is the open category in which the top 3 participants will be entitled to receive prizes. It is recommended for those who enjoy longer running distance and a more challenging route.

IIUM Trail Run Poster

Event Venue Layout

Event routes

And, this is my race details πŸ‘‰πŸ‘ˆ
Time from Strava

Routes and details for my 10KM Run

Race starting point. And.. We have ZuMBA here πŸ’ƒ

The course was nice

It was just rain bfr start. So some part of the trail are slipery

Participants looks exhausted from the ascending

The view here are spectacular

Running happy and selfiesss! πŸ˜†

Half KM here

We do run along some construction site

Finally, finish line

Medal!! πŸ™ˆ

😭Ohh My Rocker 😭

All my gear in 1 shot

More on the routes her:

Overall this event is a must repeat! Event was nicely managed and everything run smoothly. The event flag off was put on hold waiting for the rain, but honestly I like it it was cold all along the run

#Road to more KMs TR

BHP Orange Run 2018 | Piazza, The Curve, Mutiara Damansara | 11 KM

Event: BHP Orange Run 2018 Date: Sunday, 30th September 2018 Flag off: 11KM Men, 7.00am 11KM Women, 7.15am Venue: Piazza, Th...